The South Devon Hunt held its inaugural Ladies’ Day on 17th February 2024, organised in conjunction with The Side Saddle Association Area 16, and were delighted to welcome a mounted field of 45, including 11 ladies riding side saddle, plus countless foot followers. Gentlemen and children were also welcome, and the day was specifically organised to be well-suited to newcomers and those returning to mounted trail hunting after some time out of the saddle.
The day comprised a generous Meet, hosted by the Dowager Countess of Devon and featuring delicious nibbles supplied by the Powderham Farm Shop, followed by trail hunting on the Powderham Estate, by kind invitation of the Earl of Devon. A ‘Best Turned Out’ competition was held at the Meet, judged by Miss Mercedes Pemberton-Finch, the Equestrian Coordinator for Devon County Show. The best turned out lady riding side saddle was Becky White, who won a rosette, cream silk stock, and bottle of champagne, and the best turned out lady riding astride was Hettie Bayley, who won a rosette, ivory silk stock, and bottle of gin. The silk stocks were generously donated by The Hunting Shop.
Devon had experienced considerable rainfall in the lead up to this event, and we were relieved and grateful to be able to go ahead, thanks entirely to the kindness and goodwill of our generous farmers and landowners. Hounds were unperturbed by the ground conditions, and treated our guests to an exciting day. For the first time in the Hunt’s recent history, optional jumping was offered, though not as much as we had planned, due to severe waterlogging.
We are grateful to everyone who attended in support of this event. We fully intend to repeat it next season, and look forward to welcoming back our visiting ladies for an even bigger and better day in our beautiful in-country.