Join Joe and his team for Hound Exercise in preparation for the coming autumn trail hunting season. Hound Exercise is very informal and social. It is a great opportunity to meet the people and Hounds at the centre of the Hunt, and to learn the ropes if you’ve not been before. It’s also perfect for educating horses and ponies not familiar with trail hunting. Everyone, of any age, is welcome on foot, bicycle or horse. Dress is casual, parking is plentiful, there’s no need to book.
Saturday 20th July | Holwell Farm | £10
Holwell Farm, Widecome-in-the-Moor, TQ13 7TT | what3words: ///hedgehog.fight.question
Mounted to depart promptly at 5pm, BBQ and beers afterwards
Saturday 27th July | The Kennels | £10
The Kennels, Pulsford, Denbury TQ12 6EG | what3words: ///regret.ghost.rattler
Mounted to depart promptly at 7.30am, refreshments available afterwards