Wednesday 5th June 2024 | 7pm for 7.30pm | Manaton Village Hall
The Committee has been working to make sure that the Club can operate effectively, and the rules currently in place are unclear in a number of areas.
For this reason, we have written a new set of rules, which are intended to keep the Club running effectively. This means clarifying some rules, but the intent is NOT to substantively change the purpose of the rules.
The major changes to draw Members attention to are:
We are proposing to change the Objectives of the Club – at the moment the objectives are about lobbying to overturn the Hunting Act, and this is not something that we have ever done as a Club, being the role of the Countryside Alliance. The new objectives are about what the Club actually does day-to-day and which is in our control.
We wish to define membership more carefully. At the moment it isn’t clear who is a Member of the Club, and this causes confusion at events like the AGM, where it isn’t clear who is entitled to vote. We are keeping all the types of member, all of whom retain voting rights.
We wish to introduce a formal process for approving or denying membership. The existing rules don’t seem to allow us to deny someone from joining, even if they are against our principles.
We wish to provide more clarity about how we vote for Committee Members and Club Officers, and what happens if positions become vacant.
We wish to reduce the size of the Committee to a more realistic number. The Committee has not been compliant with the extant rules for over a decade, because it needs a minimum of 12 members.
We wish to make provision for disciplinary procedures by which Members could be sanctioned by the Club in the event of poor behaviour.